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제목 청소년 Workshop 외국인 인터뷰(최민우) 등록일 2012.10.29 11:24
글쓴이 렉스 조회 2659

A Portuguese woman with her companions

1. Where are you from? Portugal.
2. What's the pur pose of your visit? Offical tour
3. How long are you going to stay in Korea? 10days, we are leaving in two days though.
4. Where do you stay now? A hotel
5. Have you ever been to Korea before? No, this is the first time
6. What is the most impressive thing in Korea? The temples.
7. What is the most troubling thing while visiting in Korea? The traffic
8. Do you enjoy K-POP? Yes, I like K-pop very much.
(Comment) The interviewee was a Portuguese woman, who was with her companions.
She gladly accepted one of her comppanion (Who happened to have perfect gray hair I would say white hair which were brilliant)to take a picture of us. After, she asked me to send me the picture through e-mail. Iwas impressed by her letting me know her e-mail . It's not easy to let a stranger know about your personal stuff. I would send her the picture as soon as I can upload it . It's abit of shame that she's leaving tomorrow. If she was staying here for a long time, maybe a month even, she could visit our house.But still, It's really special that she's the only interviewee that I could contact.